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Blind plate

Blind plate

Product description: Blind flange is also called blind flange, also called flange cover. It is a flange with no hole in the center for sealing the pipe plug....
TEL: +86-18303170017

Blind flange is also called blind flange, also called flange cover. It is a flange with no hole in the center for sealing the pipe plug

There are many types of sealing surfaces of blind flange, including plane, convex, concave convex, mortise and groove surfaces, and ring joint surfaces. The blind plate production process is firstly divided into casting, casting and cutting

Casting process of blind flange

The casting process of blind flange generally consists of the following processes: blanking, heating, forming and cooling after forging. The casting processes include free forging, die forging and mould forging. During production, different casting methods shall be selected according to the size of forging quality and production batch

The production rate of free forging is low and the machining allowance is large, but it is simple from east to west and has a large versatility, so it is widely used for casting single pieces and small batches of forgings with simple shapes. Free forging equipment includes air hammer, steam air hammer and hydraulic press, which are suitable for the production of small, medium and large forgings. The production rate of blind die forging is high, the operation is simple, and the mechanization and automation are simply completed. Die forgings have good dimensional accuracy, small machining allowance, and reasonable fiber structure distribution of forgings, which can further improve the service life of parts

  • Phone:+86-0317-6811238

  • Phone:+86-18303170017(Ethan Liu)

  • wechat:15031897777

  • E-mail:info@wrpipefitting.com

  • Address:Muzhuang Industrial Zone, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Cangzhou City,Hebei Provice, China

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