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P5 pipe cap

Product description: In the process of P5 pipe cap processing, we will inevitably encounter various problems. Among these problems, we have very common problems, such as pitting, scratch, bulge, deforma...
TEL: +86-18303170017

In the process of P5 pipe cap processing, we will inevitably encounter various problems. Among these problems, we have very common problems, such as pitting, scratch, bulge, deformation, orange peel phenomenon and sudden change of weld edge angle. So, how should we deal with these problems

1, pitting. There are several possible reasons for the occurrence of pitting, one of which may be that there are pits on the surface of the plate itself; Second, it may be caused by unclean die head treatment in various pipe cap processing processes such as stamping, drum pressing and spinning. Then, for this problem, the following measures should be taken: if the pitting is light, it can be polished; if it is serious, such as more than 0.2mm, it should be repaired by welding, and after the repair welding, it should also be polished

2, scratch. This problem is mainly caused by the incorrect method used in handling. Common causes include: hook scratch, forklift scratch. The treatment measures for this kind of problem are as follows: first place a protective film on the contact surface between the hook and forklift and the pipe cap, grind it after scratch, and repair welding if it is serious. If the scratch area exceeds one quarter, it should be treated as a whole

3, bulging. There are two reasons for this problem. One is that the blank holder force of the blank holder die is too small, and the other is that the thickness of the pipe cap processing material is uneven. The treatment measures for this kind of problem are: use the drum trimming machine dedicated to service to correct, or use spinning to correct, bit by bit

4, orange peel phenomenon. This problem is probably due to the problems of the plates used, which cannot be seen by the human eye, such as the layering of the plates, problems in the process of pipe cap processing and stamping, and drum pressing. The treatment measures for this kind of problem are: if it is not serious, grinding is OK; if it is deep, repair welding is required, and grinding is required after repair welding

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  • Phone:+86-0317-6811238

  • Phone:+86-18303170017(Ethan Liu)

  • wechat:15031897777

  • E-mail:info@wrpipefitting.com

  • Address:Muzhuang Industrial Zone, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Cangzhou City,Hebei Provice, China

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