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316L tee

316L tee

Product description: 316L tee is an important connector of pipe fittings and pipes, which is used at the branch pipe of main pipe to reduce the number of connection ports....
TEL: +86-18303170017

Chemical composition of 316L tee

Carbon C: ≤ 0.030

Silicon Si: ≤ 1.00

Manganese Mn: ≤ 2.00

Sulfur S: ≤ 0.030

Phosphorus P: ≤ 0.035

Chromium Cr: 16.00 ~ 18.00

Nickel Ni: 12.00 ~ 16.00

Molybdenum Mo: 2.00 ~ 3.00

316L tee is an important connector for pipe fittings and pipes. It is used at the branch pipe of the main pipe to reduce the connection ports. 316L tees can be divided into equal diameter tees and reducing tees. The size of the main pipe and the end of the nozzle of the equal diameter tee is the same, while the size of the main pipe of the reducing tee is the same, and the size of the branch pipe is smaller than the size of the main pipe

The 316L tee has a bright appearance and smooth inner wall, which makes the tap water smooth in the pipeline, the water flow rate is appropriate, and there is no erosion, thus avoiding secondary pollution to the water source. The 316L tee has excellent characteristics such as good strength, good ductility and powerful sanitation. With these advantages, the 316L tee is widely used in indoor and outdoor building water supply, compressed gas pipelines in plant equipment, petrochemical and other industries

316L tees can be divided into T-type and Y-type according to their appearance. T-type tees are right angled bends, while Y-type tees divide two pipelines into one pipeline. Therefore, the fluid resistance of Y-type tees is smaller than that of T-type tees. Y-type tees can be used in industries with strict flow rate requirements to protect the smoothness of water bodies

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  • Phone:+86-0317-6811238

  • Phone:+86-18303170017(Ethan Liu)

  • wechat:15031897777

  • E-mail:info@wrpipefitting.com

  • Address:Muzhuang Industrial Zone, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Cangzhou City,Hebei Provice, China

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