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P91 elbow

P91 elbow

Product description: During the processing of P91 elbow, the outer side of the material is subject to its tensile force, and the position of the neutral axis of the inner side compression is different f...
TEL: +86-18303170017

During the processing of P91 elbow, the outer side of the material is subject to its tensile force, and the position of the neutral axis of the inner side compression is different from that of P91 elbow. During the top bending operation, the neutral axis will be about 1/3 away from the outer wall, and during the rotary bending operation, the neutral axis will be about 2/3 away from the outer wall

The accuracy of the bending tyre will also directly affect the quality of the P91 bend when the P91 bend is made. In addition to the specification and size required to be controlled within the specified tolerance range, the user is required to select the corresponding bending tyre according to the bending pipe diameter during the use of the bending tyre

The processing technology of P91 elbow has brought us a lot of help in production, and there will also be many problems in the use of the product. When P91 elbow appears its protective microcracks and defects, when the steel pipe is bent by induction heating, if the deformation temperature and the deformation of the determined level are exceeded, the outside of P91 elbow will produce microcracks

The above two cases of P91 pipe bending are directly related to the material of the product. Under the similar forming conditions of low deformation speed and high tension resistance, P91 pipe bending equipment may suffer from such damage during various bending construction under such conditions

P91 bend has its microcracks. We mainly stop the discussion on the basis of grain boundary cracks. The product can achieve excellent results. According to its forming conditions, the length of product cracks can generally reach that the cracks are mainly generated on the austenitic grain boundary with the stress direction perpendicular to each other, so the slag inclusion is perpendicular to the extended pipe

During the cleaning process of P91 elbow, its solvent and emulsion shall be used to clean the surface of its steel, which can remove grease, smooth agent, dust and similar useful objects with excellent effect. However, P91 elbow cannot remove the scale, rust, welding flux, etc. on the surface of the steel

In the process of rust removal of P91 elbow, it is necessary to use wire brushes and other tools with excellent effect to polish the surface of steel. When P91 elbow is processed, it is very easy to remove loose or cocked oxide skin, rust, welding slag, etc

P91 bends are mainly pickled by electrolysis and chemical methods during the pickling process. Only chemical pickling is used for P91 bends with stable performance, which can remove oxide scale, rust and old coatings. Sometimes, it is also treated as sand blasting after rust removal

  • Phone:+86-0317-6811238

  • Phone:+86-18303170017(Ethan Liu)

  • wechat:15031897777

  • E-mail:info@wrpipefitting.com

  • Address:Muzhuang Industrial Zone, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Cangzhou City,Hebei Provice, China

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